
We are continually improving our standards of service. Please help us by letting us know what our team have done well and what we can do better. Please include your name and contact details if you would like our team to follow up with you. Alternatively, please feel...
Why Refer?

Why Refer?

We have an experienced team with experience of thousands of cases, adults and children, simplex to complex multidisciplinary care We have the latest CBCT imaging, a fully digital workflow utilising intra-oral scanning and treatment planning. We will never offer care...


Why Refer?  We accept all Private and NHS referrals for orthodontic treatment including fixed, functional and alignertreatments. We are happy to advise on early referrals for interceptive treatment where appropriate and willsee patients at any age. Edinburgh Referral...

Keeping your teeth straight

Once you have achieved a wonderful result, it is Crucial that we keep your teeth in position. You may have had orthodontic treatment in the past and will know that teeth will quickly move out of position if retainers are not used as prescribed. Teeth have a memory and...
Looking after your fixed braces

Looking after your fixed braces

Fixed braces are excellent at straightening your teeth and will leave no signs that they were ever there. It is crucial that you take care of your braces. Please make sure that you: Brush your teeth twice daily (or more if you can) – this will help prevent gum...